עיון בוויקי

מתוך עמוד ענן

קפיצה אל: ניווט, חיפוש
שמעון כהן  + Contributors
A Security Post This small bunker, built i A Security Post This small bunker, built in the 1950s, served as a security post in the Castel Settlement. During this period the Castel was a small frontier settlement in the corridor leading to Jerusalem, an area which suffered from constant infiltration of "Fedayeen" terrorist bands from adjacent Jordanian territory. The building was built from a cylinder of reinforced concrete, halfway buried in the ground. With the expansion of the Castel area in the 1970s and the building of Mevesert Zion, the cylinder was rolled to its current location adjacent to the Lily Lookout rent location adjacent to the Lily Lookout Description
712  + Height
2017.11.26-090705.802.android.jpg  +, 2022-04-20T18_46_50.962638316056.jpg  +, 2022-04-20T18_47_06.472385993286.jpg  + Images
14 May 2024 08:08:43  + LastUpdate
31.788  + Lat
35.151  + Lon
true  + MeasuredByGPS
אתר קרבות  + PointType
אתר קרבות, אתרים קטגוריות
הסתרת מאפיינים המקשרים לכאן 
  אין מאפיינים המקשרים לדף זה.


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